Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Distraction factions

I think it's been pretty well established that the "legitimate rape" comments of Missouri GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin were incredibly misguided. But aside from that, Akin also misrepresented the pro-life message, which is why he got virtually no support from any fellow Republicans in the way of backing him up.

Now that Akin has decided he will not drop out of the Senate race against incumbent Claire McCaskill, he is on his own in terms of finances and campaigning. This incident also led to the Democrats conjuring up this vapid "War on Women" chanting point and thus to try and link the GOP to Akin, even though several major party figures (including Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, current Missouri Republican Senator Roy Blunt and former GOP Missouri Senators Kit Bond, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft & John Danforth) have pushed for Akin to drop out of the race.

On a smaller scale here in Minnesota, Republican State Senator Dan Hall also caused quite a stir when he made the following inquiry via Twitter:

Why is it you never see an American flag where you see a Vote No for the Mn #Marriage Amendment sign?

Naturally, the MN Marriage Amendment opponents took this as having their patriotism questioned. As a result, this distracts from the real issue, which is how marriage is not a "right" and how voting 'yes' actually protects religious liberty. That debate should be easy for Hall, who has been in the ministry for 30 years. Instead, the Burnsville Senator might well have stirred up sympathy for the amendment opponents by insinuating they're anti-American. Some might extrapolate even further by throwing out the narrative that Hall believes homosexuals are unpatriotic. While such a ploy would be utter nonsense, leftists never rest when it comes to caterting to low information voters.

These are just a couple of examples of what can happen when politicos have a tendency to stray from the issues at hand and attempt to delve into punditry. It also takes away from the more pressing items on the agenda, like saving states (and America as a whole) from financial insolvency.


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