Friday, August 31, 2012

2012 RNC recap

You know it must have been an effective Republican National Convention when all the lefties are having an in-unison freak out . Any dings at their dear leader Obama has resulted in more unhinged lunacy than normal.

Of course, MSNBC was leading the way with the kooky triumvirate of Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow. As Ann Coulter mentioned via Twitter, Matthews likely has a "blood clot up his leg." Naturally, even more have their proverbial undies in a bunch over Clint Eastwood's depiction of talking to a chair as if President Obama were occupying it. Schultz called it "demeaning to the Presidency." Huh. I Wonder if Ed ever watched MSNBC before working there. If he had, he would have witnessed the nightly depravity dished out by Keith Olbermann while hosting his own prime time program. Not to be outdone, Maddow felt Eastwood's bit was the weirdest thing she's ever seen at a convention. Really, Rach? The Code Pink hags dressed as vaginas didn't strike you as a bit odd?

Another aspect which annoyed leftists (particularly NY Times guy Nicholas Kristof) was a line in Mitt Romney's speech where he said "President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. My promise ... is to help you and your family." This was "troubling" to Nick because it gave him the impression that Romney is mocking the "seriousness" of global warming. Actually, it was more in reference to the pomposity of Obama than anything else, but no matter. In the minds of the elite media, Obama is not to be mocked.

Ah, but enough of the superficial stuff. How about some of those speeches, eh? Truth be told, after listening to some of the most stirring talks put forth by the likes of Paul Ryan, Condoleeza Rice and Marco Rubio, I was concerned that Romney would be largely overshadowed in Thursday's grand finale. And while Romney's speech wasn't Reagan-esque, he certainly exceeded my expectations and effectively mixed in personal anecdotes and policy stances into his address.

What really struck me about many of the keynote addresses was how today's Democrats couldn't give speeches like that. There was too much optimism and too many stories of eschewing dependency on govnerment in favor of rugged individualism. I mean, how can one not be moved by Condi Rice's story of her and her parents not being allowed to eat a hamburger at the Woolworth's lunch counter because of the color of their skin? Nevertheless, a young Condoleeza was convinced by her folks she could be President one day. As it turned out, in 2005, she became the first black woman named U.S. Secretary of State.

How about Paul Ryan's mom, who lost her husband when she was age 50? Despite being a grieving widow, she furthered her education and eventually started her own small business, all the while successfully raising her family.

But it was Marco Rubio who stole the show with his lead in to Romney's appearance. Talking about the very humble life he had as the son of Cuban immigrants, Rubio was also embedded with the belief that America is truly the land of opportunity and thus his dreams should be limitless. He talked about his parents' work ethic, and how "just a few decades removed from hopelessness, they made possible all the things for us that had been impossible for them."

With that, the 2012 RNC is in the books. So what happens from here? Well, now that Romney is the official GOP nominee for President, look for a major dent in the campaign coffers as the political ads will really start to ratchet up. The tone has been set: President Obama's first term, by his own standards, has been a failure. Romney-Ryan have a definitive plan to halt the record streak of 8+% monthly unemployment and address entitlement programs which may well bankrupt this country if adjustments aren't made.

It's your move, Mr. President.


1 comment:

StarBittrune said...

"You know it must have been an effective Republican National Convention when all the lefties are having an in-unison freak out."

Excellent recap, Brad. Well-written.