Thursday, August 24, 2023

GOP debate #1 for 2024

No, I did not partake in the GOP presidential debate Wednesday evening. I was actually working an AM 1280 The Patriot event featuring the inimitable Dennis Prager.......and it was phenomenal. I've been to several Patriot events in my 12 years as a radio host and I have to say this was the most amazing talk I've ever heard Dennis give (and that's sayin' something). The man is truly a national treasure. 

Now, onto the debate. 

It appears there was one issue in particular which really stirred up some prominent leftists. 

Since it was Gov. Ron DeSantis who caused this rage, it was his team who effectively fact checked these leftists ghouls. 


From what I've been able to ascertain about the debate from people I trust, DeSantis lived up to the high expectations of his being the only legit contender to usurp Donald Trump for the GOP nomination. While Nikki Haley apparently had a good night as well, she's not going to get much of a bounce from this night. 

But perhaps the most polarizing reactions were reserved for Vivek Ramaswamy. 


It's no surprise that Charlie looked to prop up Ramaswamy given that he's only in the race to clear the path for his guy Trump. This is especially in light of Ramaswamy saying Wednesday that Trump was best President of the 21st century. Oh, and BTW Charlie? The "old Republican party" has had far more success, y'know, actually winning elections than has Trump and his handpicked candidates. 

On the other end of the spectrum was my friend Jon Gabriel, who shares the view that Ramaswamy is not in the race with the intention of winning. 

Ramaswamy is this primary’s Pete Buttigieg, if the former South Bend, Ind., mayor downed a case of Red Bulls before stepping on the debate stage.

Both are TED Talks in human form; smarmy apple polishers who only got good grades by studying to the test.

It’s likely Ramaswamy will end his campaign the same way, stepping aside for the eventual winner. No one knows this better than Vivek himself, who’s spent the primary praising Trump more than Trump does.

If somehow, against the odds and the law courts, the former president is sent back to the White House, the young upstart will be richly rewarded.

Hopefully, he’ll enjoy the next four years as secretary of transportation.

Like with Marco Rubio in 2016, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie likely has a mythical bullet with Ramaswamy's name on it. But unlike '16 when the "murder/suicide" was done to help Trump, Christie's takedown of Ramaswamy would serve to eliminate a Trump surrogate. 

With Trump choosing not to participate in Wednesday's debate, he used the time to sit down with Tucker Carlson for a chat which aired on the platform formerly known as Twitter. As predicted, Team Trump spun the appearance has having received over 230 million views despite the fact that a video is considered a "view" when a person merely scrolls past it on their timeline. Of course, Trump and his cultists will regurgitate the misleading stat even though a good portion of them likely know it's bull pucky. 

While Trump has come out and said he will participate in no GOP debates, I have a sense he won't be able to stay away. The jonesing to lob insults at candidates whom he feels aren't fit to polish his shoes is going to be too overwhelming. 

Getcha popcorn.


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