Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Quick Hits: Volume CCLXXVII

 - Despite the hysterics one sees on Twitter, the Senate confirmation hearings for Ketanji Brown Jackson have been relatively routine, perhaps a tad boring. 

Then this happened

Part of me feels for Judge Jackson in that if she were to give the literal definition of "woman," she would have been rhetorically slaughtered by secular progressives. However, this is no time to bow to the woke mob given the very real possibility the U.S. Supreme Court will have to hear oral arguments regarding (you guessed it) women's issues. 

- Good news: Minnesota's rate of positive COVID-19 tests is below 3% for the first time since last July. 

Bad news: The St Paul School Board is anti-science

- Whenever there are Republican wave elections, Minnesota is often immune from such GOP success, particularly statewide. And this year will be no exception unless a certain grifter group is put out to pasture. 

Blois Olson from his Tuesday Morning Take newsletter: 

Political parties and organizations should have one goal – to win. Most work toward that with different strategies, and different levels of successes. Some tactics can always be questionable, but harassment and intimidation are out of bounds. However, after trying to challenge stalwart Republican incumbents, and losing, the goal (of) Action 4 Liberty is becoming less clear. They have run primary candidates previously and consistently lost. The one “success story” is Rep. Erik Mortenson who doesn’t even have a caucus after he was asked to leave the more disruptive New Republican caucus. The more worrisome story for them, is multiple stories where threats and even intimidation seems to be an “organizing” strategy. They even physically removed Rep. Nolan West from an “open to the public” training. However, as an organization that pitches conservative “purity”, the idea that their preferred candidate for Governor Dr. Neil Shah donated to Gov. Tim Walz in 2018 suggests they aren’t actually serious about their calling out conservative Republicans as “RINOs”. Did they do their own homework? Or they aren’t actually as pure as they suggest others should be? Fringe groups aren’t new in Minnesota political parties, but even the DFL rejected socialists and the DSA. It’s time for Republicans to call out Action for Liberty. If Republicans tolerate the behavior at their conventions, they are likely to tolerate it at polling places, and that is toxic and unacceptable for Minnesota.

Emphasis mine. If you wanna get an idea of what the goal of A4L is (or at least it's leader), this Twitter thread from Michael Brodkorb sheds some light. 


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