Thursday, September 10, 2020

Leftists pounce on excerpts of Bob Woodward's unflattering book about Trump

I guess my biggest question is why would anyone give journalist Bob Woodward unfettered access? I have a theory, which I'll come back to. 

But first......

President Trump on Wednesday ripped into Bob Woodward’s new book as “just another political hit job” after the author claimed Trump said he knew the coronavirus was “deadly” but went to great lengths to downplay the virus in public.

Pressed on his reported coronavirus comments during an afternoon event in the Diplomatic Room of the White House, the president defended himself: "You cannot show a sense of panic."

It follows an earlier defense of Trump from White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who said Wednesday: “When you are facing insurmountable challenges, it is important to express confidence, it is important to express calm.”

“He makes clear that he doesn’t want to see chaos, by the way, which is the second part of the quote which you failed to read,” she continued, addressing a reporter who had read part of the quote.

“The president just days after having this discussion with Bob Woodward, said this from this podium, on March 30, he said, ‘I do want them to stay calm, we are doing a great job, if you look at the individual statements they are all true, stay calm, it will go away but it's important to stay calm,’” the press secretary said. “So this president does what leaders do -- good leaders -- it’s stay calm and resolute at a time when you face an insurmountable challenge.”

I don't often point to Trump's Twitter feed for solid rebuttals, but he actually has a solid one here.

As the first reported positive U.S. cases started to emerge in early March, Trump tapped Vice President Mike Pence to form a coronavirus task force to best determine the way forward. Heck, Trump took substantive action even earlier than that when he banned travel from China, the country where this strain of coronavirus originated. And for that he was deemed a racist. Regardless, from that point forward, Trump (for better or worse) has been following the recommendations of Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx in how to best balance public health with economic activity. Seems to me that his actions don't quite fit a narrative of his not taking the virus seriously. 

But to get back to my original query as to why Trump would give someone like Woodward, who's never had a penchant for flattery, such inside access into his administration. To me this was classic Trump from the standpoint that he believes he is so charismatic and charming that anyone with whom he interacts will be smitten. As such, I contend that Trump believed he could be the first ever President of the United States whom Woodward would openly laud. Obviously it didn't work out that way. 

Trump may ultimately lose re-election, but to say it will be due in large part to what Woodward has written seems far fetched. Some key third quarter economic indicators will be released about a week before Election Day. If those continue to show significant improvement despite the COVID induced lockdowns, this book will be long down the memory hole. 


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