Thursday, July 23, 2015

Few questions usually result in fewer answers

Despite 65 MN Republican state legislators requesting him to do so, Little Lord Fauntleroy Gov. Mark Dayton will not call for an investigation of the local Planned Parenthood clinics in light of revelations that other PP clinics sell body parts from aborted babies. No shock really, especially when you consider Dayton dismissed the GOP legislators' letter as "grandstanding."

Kind of an aside here, but I notice that whenever Dayton is on the defensive (i.e. can't intellectually refute a claim made by detractors), he usually blurts out the knee-jerk accusation of "grandstanding." Whether it's in response to criticism of his attempts to unionize daycare workers, or his preemptive warnings about how the GOP should behave in special legislative sessions (2013 and 2015), or reacting to a press conference where Republican senators discussed MNsure reforms, our perpetually petulant governor appears to be verbally deficient (to say nothing of his incoherence) in his outrage.

I digress.

Say, have any local media types bothered to request comment from MN Lt. Gov. (and former VP for External Affairs with Planned Parenthood) Tina Smith on these revelations? The only public acknowledgment of Smith's I can find is on her twitter feed where she merely "retweeted" statements made by Planned Parenthood Federation of American president Cecile Richards.

Yes, I've said it before and I'll say it again: MN Dems sure got it good.


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