Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Day/Night recap.

As of this post, the Democrats have gained 24 seats in the US House. It’s been pretty well conceded that the GOP would lose the majority in the House but maintain a razor-thin majority in the Senate. Now, that’s far from a sure thing.

With three key Senate races still up in the air, the Democrats need to win all three in order to take control. It looks as though Claire McCaskill will defeat Republican incumbent Jim Talent in Missouri and Democrat Jon Tester has a solid lead over GOP incumbent Conrad Burns in Montana.

That leaves Virginia.

With 99.6% of the precincts reporting, Incumbent George Allen trails Democrat challenger Jim Webb by a scant 1,800 votes. That is a lead of approximately 0.08%!

After all votes are counted (including absentee ballots) and certified, the runner-up may request a recount if the margin is less than 1%.

In 2000, all eyes were focused on Florida.

In 2004, it was Ohio.

If the results hold in Montana and Missouri, this year the Commonwealth of Virginia will have all eyes on them.

(Sigh) I’m going to get a cold compress for my head and go to bed.

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