Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Quick Hits: Volume CCCXLVI

 - Minnesota State Senator (and admitted felon) Nicole Mitchell made her return to the Legislature this week. Upon doing so, the first order of business by the Senate was to take up a motion to call for the expulsion of legislators until they complete their scheduled ethics hearing. On a straight party line vote, this was rejected 34-33. This means Sen. Mitchell was essentially the deciding vote on a motion that would have determined her fate. 

My friend Sen. Julia Coleman gets to the heart of the matter. 

Yup. And the majority caucus is doing all they can to shield Sen. Mitchell from scrutiny. 

Many are (correctly) pointing out how Dems are little more than power-hungry opportunists who are making a mockery of the legislative branch. And while I think that needs to be continually shouted from the hills, it's not going to have even a small impact on their behavior. Y'see, that would require the Senate Dems possessing even an ounce of shame. As we've witnessed over the past two Minnesota legislative sessions, that well is bone dry. 

- Drew Barrymore recently had on her TV talk show (yeah, I too didn't know she had one) VP Kamala Harris. And like many other vapid progressives, Drew basically turned into a slobbering kid when in the presence of an elected Dem. 


This has the same cringy vibe of former MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry (who once donned tampon earrings on her show) asking then US Attorney General Eric Holder to quack like a duck for her. 

It bears repeating: Progressivism is a mental disorder. 

- Y'know, there was a time when the state of California elected governors who wouldn't pander but rather speak the truth plainly, even if feelings were hurt. 


 Yeah, back in those days, "protests" would have never escalated to this point: 


And of course you have most media outlets framing this as mostly peaceful protests standing in solidarity with Palestinians while conveniently omitting these same protesters threatening Jewish students or committing violent acts. I guess the WaPo was right. Democracy does indeed die in darkness. 


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