Sunday, April 08, 2007

Family update.

If you’ve been a reader of this blog for any length of time you no doubt know that I’ve revealed a lot about myself and my family.

At the very least you know that I have a wonderful wife with whom I will celebrate seven years of wedded bliss this July. You also know that we have yet to be blessed with children but have anticipated one day we will be parents.

It was approximately 5 ½ years ago when we announced that we were ready to have kids. Naturally our parents were excited at the prospect of us having a baby. We knew in our heart of hearts that we would be having a little girl, which would make her the first granddaughter on either side of the family. That little princess will not want for anything her first few years.

With no success a couple of years into the process, we decided to undergo various fertility tests. Everything seemed fine so we figured it was a matter of time before we would have the glorious news to share.

Which brings us to this weekend.

After many discussions as husband and wife in trying to attain the proper mindset for parental endeavors, Jen & I have now decided to abandon our parenthood aspirations….at least in terms of natural pregnancy.

With my wife and I being staunch pro-lifers, we support any venue which allows young women the opportunity to eschew the abortion option. That is why we are now considering adoption through Mercy Ministries. Amongst the many wonderful programs for young women who face life-controlling issues, Mercy helps pregnant residents with placing their babies into a loving, faithful family as well as provides parenting classes for those who want to be mothers.

Since coming to this conclusion, we have felt some trepidation about what lies ahead. Then again, isn’t that what faith is all about? We are commanded to “lean not unto our own understanding”. We may not always understand what the Lord has in store but He assures us through His Word that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

So instead of swimming in the proverbial pool of pity for not having a baby naturally, we have decided to provide a wonderful home to a child who has been given life.

The serendipity comes from sparing the grief of a young woman who could have chosen to head to the abortion clinic.

God indeed has a plan for all of our lives!



  1. Congratulations, sir!!!

    The adopted child to be will be blessed with stellar parents!


  2. Good, I'm glad you'll be able to move forward in this manner.
